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Healthcare IT

Healthcare organizations are rapidly transforming with increasing use of new generation of information technology tools and solutions. The three key areas encapsulating this transformation are mobility based Healthcare solutions and tools, internet of things and big data analytics. Other key components enabling this are information security and adoption of information standards. Next generation of healthcare delivery models are closely embracing mobile technology to enable continuum of care extending into day to day lives of patients. In addition the emerging use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows accurate monitoring and continuous feedback cycle between the patient and the clinician. The adoption of these new technologies in turn leads to Big Data that needs to be processed and consumed effectively to improve decision making and optimizing costs etc.,

  • Data from the U.S. healthcare system alone reached 150, Exabytes by 2011, and is projected to reach zettabytes soon.
  • McKinsey estimates that big data analytics can enable more than $300 billion in savings per year in U.S. healthcare.
  • Healthcare Internet of Things market segment is poised to hit $117 billion by 2020.
  • Global mobile health market was valued at $10.5 billion in 2014 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 33.5% during 2015-2020.
  • Above 90% of doctors use mobile devices in clinical care and report satisfied user experience.
  • 600 million people across the world are aged 60 years and above.

Mobile technology in Healthcare

Mobile device usage is ubiquitous and studies have shown that high proportion of physicians and patients already use mobile technology to improve communication, information retrieval and delivery of care. New generations of mobile technology devices are the wearable health devices which include smart watches, wearable gadgets and implantable medical devices. Availability of innovative apps to support these mobile devices has greatly enhanced the value of mobile health apps and solutions. More recently location based technologies like near field communication are being used to deliver local specific healthcare information and notifications to both patients and doctors. Today mobile technology and apps are being used an extension to traditional biopharmaceutical products and devices to enhance patient experience and provide better consumer education.

Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare

Healthcare is ideally suited for always active data collection technology like IoT because health conditions change rapidly and active monitoring is bound to save millions of lives. According to a report from MarketResearch.com, the healthcare IoT market is projected to reach USD 117 billion by 2020. IoT uses a smart network of sensors monitoring chemical signals, movements and host of other patient and environmental parameters. Recent advances like IBM Watson and Smart Factory from GE use intelligent algorithms to continuously process and analyse the data from wide array of sensors. IoT technology allows remote monitoring of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes and streams life-saving data such as biochemical test results and health records to the clinicians.

Big Data Analytics in Healthcare

Previous decade has seen technology advancements that allowed capture and storage of large amounts of patient data and healthcare delivery operational data. With emergency of IoT there is a further increase in real-time, multi-modal healthcare data being captured and ready for analysis. Big Data will be important part of care management and optimizing healthcare resource utilization. Analytical technology is evolving rapidly with host of technology platforms for analyzing and interpreting big data. Predictive Analytics has great potential in risk assessment and prediction of prognosis and response to treatment. Prescriptive Analytics allows building a personalized trajectory of prognosis of patients based on historical profiles. Another key area is the use of omics technologies such as genomics and proteomics for patient care and risk stratification. Genomics data is inherently complex and large volume data that needs specialized analytical tools to integrate with rest of the patient data.

Information Security

Healthcare data has highest level of security and has direct implications on privacy of the patient. Medical Application Security Solutions for securing the integrity of your applications Digital Identity Solutions are required to authenticate the host of players in healthcare organisations such as employees, customers, suppliers, patients, and partners. Information Security and Integrity tools are needed for securing the integrity of patient data. Health data is constantly exchanged between organisations and it is critical to secure these exchanges.

  • Strategic consultation for design and implementation of next-generation healthcare IT infrastructure
  • Application development and management for mobility solutions, Big Data management solutions
  • System integration and Management of multi-vendor applications and performance management
  • Business Intelligence and analytics services for predictive analytics, customised analytics solutions etc.,
  • Healthcare asset management and tracking solutions
  • Mobile health app development and integration with wearable devices
  • Mobility strategy with analysis of the infrastructure, policies, workflows and supporting technologies
  • Security Risk assessment and Risk remediation services
  • Remote medical device monitoring
  • Genomic analytics and integration with healthcare data